Monday, February 7, 2011

BOM: Cupcake Challenge 4/175

Thanks to last fall's purchase of Martha Stewart's Cupcakes cookbook, I challenged myself to make all 175 recipes. I have no deadline or anything. Instead, I make them as they come. Though I am not going in any particular order, I have been skipping through sections to switch up the difficulty. This edition is all about Peanut Butter-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes.
As usual, I gathered my ingredients. This is for the chocolate batter.
I also had to grab some other ingredients for the peanut butter filling. Just a couple needed here. You can also see the recipe right there. Doesn't it look delicious in the photograph?
Next step was to work with the chocolate batter. It was not too bad. Chocolate is usually a bit messy for me.
Before I could really throw the chocolate into a paper lined muffin pan (yes to easy clean up!), I had to get my peanut butter filling mixed. Surprisingly, this whole process did not require use of a mixer, just physical mixing.
The recipe called for alternating between chocolate batter and peanut butter filling. Then, you were to swirl the top. I think my measurements were off though.
After baking for nearly 40 minutes, I had the finished result. Maybe not exactly like the photo, but very tasty. I'm thinking that my skills are slightly improving though, so that's a relief.

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