Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday Traffic | 18 March

Today was another interesting commute to work. Traffic was traffic, but it is what it is. Hopefully you readers fared better. Possibly due to my recent rant about the US education system, I was thinking about things passed down.

You might have lots of stories of stories being passed down from generation to generation in your family. That is how things were done in the past. Secrets for recipes were entrusted to the successor of a company; methods for making goods were carefully shown within closed doors. That was how it used to be. Looking over my life (yes, all 23 years), I realize that I have a few things I can show to my future children or some odd child that is interested. They are not that great, but I am somewhat proud of them.
  • I can show them how to make snickerdoodle cookies. They are one of my baking fortes.
  • I can show them how to crochet scarves and doilies (no pattern necessary).
  • I can also show them how to make some books thanks to my book arts lessons in college (kudos to Lisa-Beth Robinson for the instruction).
It is interesting when you think about the vast wealth of knowledge that you possess. Think about what you have to offer the next generation. What do you want to stay continue existing in the world once you are gone?

Image Carriage traffic outside Stephensdom via flickr/Talie

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