Monday, February 8, 2010

DIY | Smiley Cake Pops

I often salivated over the oh-so-delectably-photographed cake pops on Bakerella. Since I was already expecting to be snowed in this weekend, I decided to give them a try. They only require a bit of baking experience, so this is easier to do than you might think. All it takes is a box cake (or your own special recipe) and a can of frosting to make the balls that will become cake pops. From there, you need some melted candy wafers to cover the pops making them look like pops. With edible markers, you can add fun faces (even though it is not necessary. For detailed directions, visit Bakerella's blog. Good luck with yours. My own images of the process and the results are after the jump.

Above image via Bakerella. All others via yours truly.

1 comment:

  1. These things are delicious! I love them! If only my baking skills were as superb as yours. - Le Sigh...


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